Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Book Addict's New Years Resolution

Last month I reached a milestone I had been working towards for five years--I finished my Masters degree!  So I apologize for my lack of participation in my blog, but I have made it a resolution to do better in 2013 (19 days to start working on this resolution isn't bad, right?).

I have also made a resolution to read at least one book in each of the following categories each month this year:
  1. A book from my house.  I have a box of books that I bought because I wanted to read them but for various reasons the books got pushed aside for other books.  I went through the books after Christmas and realized I really did want to read them--so I made a promise to myself that I would get through at least one per month.
    Here are some examples of what I have waiting for me:
  2. A book recommended by a friend.  I have so many friends who recommend books to me--in fact we have started an informal book club at work where we trade books back and forth.  Also, I get so many great book ideas from my book blogging friends.  So this category will be very easy for me to reach every month.
    Here are some examples of what I have waiting for me:
  3. A non-fiction book.  I realized that without my classes and reading lists, I would not have anyone to force me to read a non-fiction book.  But by nature, I love learning (that was my biggest reason for working towards my masters).  So I decided to challenge myself to read one non-fiction book a month.  The advantage of doing it this way versus as part of a program is that I get to pick the book and the topic.
    Here are some examples of what I have waiting for me:
And once I finish a book in each category (and probably more--because really three books a month is not that much), I will be able to blog about them.  Thus helping reach my goal of blogging at least 4 times per week.  I love when resolutions work together so I feel like it is more probable I can be successful.  Let's see. 


  1. Congratulations on your Masters degree! That must have been a LOT of work.

    Your resolutions are a great idea, and I might actually have to join you with #1 and #3 (I don't get a lot of recommendations from friends). :)

    ~ Sophie

    1. It's funny, just as soon as I picked some resolutions I thought of others that I wanted to add. But there is always next year right?

  2. You are so awesome! Congrats on your masters degree! What a huge accomplishment. :)
